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Intent of the curriculum

We provide an ambitious curriculum with a strong academic core. Our curriculum is underpinned by our school values of belong, believe and achieve and the best that has been thought, said and done. Reading and literature are at the heart of the curriculum. Pupils receive a rich cultural experience. Pupils hone their leadership skills through a range of activities including the Duke of Edinburgh Award and many sporting clubs and activities. Our ambition is for Modern Foreign Languages to continue to grow and become a subject of choice for all pupils.

Curriculum leaders have carefully considered the sequencing of component knowledge and the composite understanding this creates. There are ambitious end points that have been identified in each subject. Our curriculum is equally ambitious for all pupils including those who are disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

For more detailed information about our curriculum in years 7-13, please go to the curriculum tab and select ‘subjects’ where you will see individual subjects. Click on the subject to see details of the curriculum in each year.

More information about our Year 12 and 13 Curriculum can be found in our Sixth Form pages.


Please see link to Accessibility Plan

Accessibility Plan 2023-24

If you require more information on the curriculum, please contact:

Mr A Korab (Deputy Headteacher)
