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Safeguarding & Child Protection

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at Morecambe Bay Academy is:
Ms D Roberts-Jones

The Deputy DSL's are:
Ms J Pardoe - Acting Headteacher, SENCO
Mr M Salthouse - Deputy Headteacher
Mrs J Bates-Bryan
Mrs M Stephens

We take the welfare and safeguarding of all of our students seriously at Morecambe Bay Academy.

We ensure that all school staff are appropriately trained in safeguarding to be able to identify any concerns in our students, offer support as necessary, and pass on all relevant information to the safeguarding leads swiftly.

We have created a dedicated safeguarding email address, should there be any safeguarding concerns that you need to make us aware of please email: safeguarding@morecambebayacademy.co.uk

Please click here to view our Policies page, where you can view our Safeguarding Policy


We take great care when recruiting new staff, to make certain that they have no convictions against children and all new members of staffs’ safeguarding knowledge is tested during their interview.


All students are supported daily with a Form Tutor and Year Leader. This is someone who students can use for support, or speak to if they have any worries, however students are of course able to discuss any issues they may have with any member of staff with whom they feel comfortable. All our staff onsite are trained to manage disclosures from students and identify concerns, neglect or possible abuse. In addition to named people, the school uses both a filtering system and a monitoring system to ensure that computer use is appropriate. Any concerns surrounding internet searches, images seen, or websites that students may try to access are flagged up immediately for the safeguarding leads to investigate.

Information Sharing

At Morecambe Bay Academy, one way we receive information of serious welfare and safeguarding issues is via a system called Encompass. Encompass enables the police and children’s social care to pass on information regarding safeguarding concerns of Morecambe Bay Academy students. All such information is received by Ms Roberts-Jones who ensures that any students who are affected are spoken to and given any additional support they may need.


Information is received and shared on a strictly “need to know” basis and the privacy of our students and their families is respected.


There are occasions when our students are at risk. If this is thought to be the case, the school acts quickly in making appropriate referrals to try to arrange the best support possible from the most appropriate place.


If you have any issues you would like to discuss with our safeguarding leads, please do not hesitate to contact them. Equally, if you suspect a child may be being harmed, please contact children’s social care on 0300 123 6720, by calling the Police on 101 or 999 or to speak to Ms Roberts-Jones, Mr Salthouse, Mrs Ashcroft or Ms Pardoe who are all very experienced in the field of safeguarding and child protection.


Operation Encompass – https://www.operationencompass.org