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Safeguarding & School Life

The student support team are committed to supporting and developing all pupils in their care so that all have a sense of belonging in the academy and wider community, belief in themselves and every opportunity achieve their true academic potential.

Student support at Morecambe Bay Academy:

Acting Headteacher, SENCo, (Deputy DSL) Ms J Pardoe
Deputy Headteacher (Deputy DSL) Mr M Salthouse
Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Roberts-Jones
(Deputy DSL) Mrs Bates-Bryan
Head of Year 7  Miss H Finan
Head of Year 8 Miss C Povey-Carter
Head of Year 9 Mrs H Bleasdale
Head of Year 10 (Deputy DSL) Mrs M Stephens
Head of Year 11 Miss M Dixon & Miss E Wolstenholme
Head of Year 12 & 13 Mrs H Fitzwilliam



Non-teaching Heads of Year work closely with subject teachers and Subject Leaders to remove barriers to learning. Implementing and closely monitoring the impact of targeted interventions, Heads of Year work with empathy encouraging resilience in all of our young people. As well as supporting academic progress, the experienced team use their knowledge and skills to address any social, emotional or health needs, be it mental or physical, that need to be met.

Heads of Year lead a team of tutors who have daily contact with their tutor groups through an allocated form period. Each year group comes together for a year group assembly once a week that address themes related to Fundamental British Values, SMSC or any other relevant topic. We invite a range of external speakers to share their expertise in enriching our pupil’s lives.

The pastoral team are available to provide support, advice and guidance in a way that enables pupils to take responsibility for their own decisions and actions.

Beyond Morecambe Bay Academy staff, we have weekly access to The Listening Service, ACE and a School Counsellor. We work closely with the school nurse and, through the CAF process, a number of external agencies including CAMHS and The Child and Family Wellbeing Service. We look to utilise any resource that would support those in our care.

This year, we are working with MIND, the mental health charity, on a pilot scheme to promote and support mental health. We are one of 17 schools nationally to be involved. We value the importance of good mental health as this supports resilience and promotes general wellbeing.

Morecambe Bay Academy is keen to recognise, acknowledge and reward success be that in or outside of the classroom. There are numerous opportunities available for all pupils. Celebration assemblies are conducted across Years 7-11 each term with a focus on subject awards for top performer, best effort and most improved alongside form tutor awards for those pupils who make daily positive contributions to their form. There are also a Head of Year and Principal awards for pupils who make contributions to the wider school community.

We also acknowledge and reward those pupils who achieve ‘outstanding’ effort grades in all their subjects in our Endeavour data cycle each half term. Rewarding hard work and effort is important to us as we believe these qualities underpin success in all areas of life.