Year 8
My name is Miss Povey-Carter, Head of Year 8 and I am delighted to be Head of Year 8.
I work closely with the class teachers to monitor and support each pupil’s learning, personal development, behaviour and wellbeing. I am looking forward to seeing every pupil reach their full potential both as an individual and as a member of Morecambe Bay Academy.
Celebration Assembly
In the Spring term, we held our first celebration assembly where we celebrated the achievements and successes of Year 8 pupils and they were awarded certificates at the ceremony. It was fantastic to see such a great turn out parents and carers watched and enjoyed tea and biscuits as pupils were given awards for various subjects and contributions to tutor time.
Rewards lunch with the Principal
In March, a number of pupils enjoyed lunch with the Principal for their outstanding effort grades in all subject areas the last Endeavour cycle. This is a significant achievement and our congratulations got to all pupils who were involved.