Year 7

We are delighted that you have chosen to apply for a place at Morecambe Bay Academy. Please fill out the form by clicking on the link below.
The best way to ensure you get the school of your choice is to place them first. Applications close on the 31st October each year, our school Admissions Policy can be found on our Policies page
(please see link to page below). We look forward to welcoming you in September.

Year 6 into Year 7 Transition

To make your transition from primary school to secondary school successful we will:


  • Visit you in your primary school to get to know you.
  • Welcome you into our school for a visit during the summer term.
  • Take you on an outdoor adventure over the summer holidays (similar to the one below) where you will have lots of fun and meet some of your teachers.
  • Opportunities to take part in events with other primary schools so that you can start to meet other students.
  • Additional visits and conversations as you need.

Year 6 Transition 2024